Shalom and Welcome

Our Purpose

  • To stir each other to study what the Word of God says concerning Israel and our relationship to Her as gentile believers both now and in the future.
  • To encourage the believers in Israel in whatever way we can.
  • To facilitate and be involved in evangelism and discipleship of Jewish people.
  • To pray for Israel.

Photo of Awake To Israel monthly meeting


Hosea 10:12


Next Monthly Meeting

Saturday, 10th August, 2024 starting at 2:30pm

To be held at:

Epping Gospel Chapel

(corner of Carlingford Road and Duntroon Avenue, Epping)

In addition to face to face, we also intend to live stream the meeting as an:

Online "Zoom" Meeting

For meeting details (i.e. link and password), please contact Richard at:

Our Guest Speaker

Ron Jarlett

Western Sydney Bible School

Next Monthly Meeting Topic


Link to Article - What is the Gospel Message?

Link to Article - Who weeps for Israel

A little more than 100 years ago in a small village in Scotland there was a conference of believers, and one man raised the question to one of the brothers at the conference who was involved in Jewish ministry, and asked him "What is the critical need in ministry to the Jewish people today?", and the answer that was given to him was ...

"More Tears"....

If that very same question was asked of us today, I think the answer would sadly remain the same, because when we look at the Christian Church today, her tears of compassion for Israel have long dried up."More tears" based on the truths of God's word regarding Israel is one of the pressing needs I see in the Church today. More.