Israel and Church Teaching Papers
Dr Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Israel's Right to the Promised Land?
The Use of the Old Testament in the Book of Revelation.
Dr Randall Price
Is The Modern State Of Israel Prohetically Significant?
Dr Tommy Ice
A history of Christian Zionism.
Answering Those Who Oppose Israel.
Are we living in the Last Days?
Is Modern Israel Fulfilling Prophecy?
Lovers Of Zion: A History Of Christian Zionism.
One Thousand Years: Literal or Figurative?
Premillennialism: The Second Foundation.
Salvation in the Tribulation - Revisited.
The Ethnicity of The Antichrist.
The Global Proclamation Of The Gospel.
The Latter Rain Revival Movement.
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
The Unscriptural Theologies of Amillennialism and Postmillennialism.
Why I Believe The Bible Teaches Rapture Before Tribulation.
What do you do with a future National Israel in the Bible?
Why God's Purpose for the Tribulation excludes the Church.
Dr David Larsen
The Postmodern Abandonment of Israel.
Dr Paul Wilkerson
For Zion's Sake: Darby and Christian Zionism.
Mr Brent Grey
Dr M. Brown
Should Christians observe the Jewish Holidays?
Dr Michael Vlach
Variations Within Supersessionism.
Dr Robert Gromacki
Israel: Her Past, Present and Future - Romans 9-11.