One Day Teaching Seminars

From time to time Awake To Israel holds, in conjunction with our regular monthly meetings, one day teaching seminars on a range of topics.

Date: 8th June 2024.

Messiah in Psalms

Luke 24:44: "This is what I told you when I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.

Speaker: Paul Cohen (Celebrate Messiah).

Date: 13th April 2019.

Daniel's 70 Weeks

Daniel 9:24: 'Seventy weeks are determined For your people and for your holy city, To finish the transgression, To make an end of sins, To make reconciliation for iniquity, To bring in everlasting righteousness, To seal up vision and prophecy, And to anoint the Most Holy'.

Speaker: Andrew Wilson.

Date: 10th November 2018.

Messiah In Isaiah

1 Peter 1:11 The sufferings of Christ and the glory to follow.

Speaker: Ron Jarlett (Principal, Western Sydney Bible School).

Date: 11th March 2017.

The Future and the Church

Exploring the Church's: Rapture; Review; Reward; Return; and Reign.

Speakers: Peter Jackson (The Herald of Hope); Ron Jarlett (Principal, Western Sydney Bible School).

Date: 14th November 2015.

Messiah In Matthew

Broken promises bring sadness. God's promises are a joy.
All the promises of God are "Yes and Amen in Christ".

Speakers: Peter Jackson (The Herald of Hope); Ron Jarlett (Principal, Western Sydney Bible School).

Date: 8th November 2014.

Kings and Prophets

How do they fit together? What were the prophets talking about anyway? Were all the Kings wicked?
All were intended to point to the King of Kings. "A King shall reign in Righteousness".

Speakers: Ron Jarlett (Principal, Western Sydney Bible School); Mr Kevin Rosolen.

Date: 12th April 2014.

Mysteries Revealed

God's mysteries are special. They are sacred truths held in secret until the arrival of the Messiah.
Ephesians 3:9 '... and to make all men see what is the stewardship of the Mystery, which from the beginning of the ages has been hidden in God.'

Speakers: Peter Jackson (The Herald of Hope); Ron Jarlett (Principal, Western Sydney Bible School).

Date: 13th April 2013.

Operation Olive Tree

Is "all Israel" ALL Israel? Will there be any JEWbilation for the Jewish Nation? What can we learn from the olive tree?

Speaker: Ron Jarlett (Principal, Western Sydney Bible School).

Date: 13th October 2012.

Covenant Connections

What is the New Covenant? What does it promise? When was it Introduced? When will it be fulfilled?
Is the New Covenant "the Gospel"? Is there more to it than what the Church thinks? What is the Covenant in Jerimiah 31?

Speakers: Ron Jarlett (Principal, Western Sydney Bible School); Mr Eric Rees.

Date: 12th November 2011.

God's Plan For The Ages

What is Dispensationalism? Why should I care?
Psalm 90:2 '... from everlasting to everlasting you are God'.

Speakers: Rev John Farr (The Herald of Hope); Ron Jarlett (Principal, Western Sydney Bible School).

Date: 9th April 2011.

Digging Into Daniel

Troubled by World Events? Daniel reveals the coming Messiah 'cut-off' and returning to reign in His Glorious Kingdom.
Daniel 9:26 'After the sixty two weeks Messiah shall be cut off but not for Himself'.
Daniel 4:17 'The Most High rules in the Kingdom of Men'.

Speakers: Ron Jarlett (Principal, Western Sydney Bible School); Dr Keith Henderson (Director, New Tribes Mission).