Jewish Evangelism

The single most important thing you can do to support the work of Awake to Israel as we endeavour to share the Gospel message with the Jewish people of Sydney is to pray. The Bible says that the prayer of a righteous person is powerful, and we believe that it's only through your prayers and the mercy of God that enables us to reach Jewish people with the Gospel of Messiah Jesus.

Paul tells us in Romans 1:16 that the Gospel message is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek...What Paul is saying in this passage is that were ever we go to proclaim the Gospel message, we are to actively seek out those Jewish people in that community and present to them the Gospel message first and then to the Greek (non Jewish).

If the Gospel message is still today the power of God unto salvation then it goes without saying that it still must be presented to the Jew first...This is a wonderful truth that must be restored to the wider Church today, and if we can even catch a glimpse of Paul's burden here, we will see even in this dispensation of grace a great harvest of Jewish souls grafted back into their own olive tree.

What we need to realise and understand regarding Jewish evangelism, is that don't think for a moment that reaching the Jewish people of Sydney depends on us alone at Awake to Israel or any other one organisation, because if it does, I'll write a letter to every synagogue in Sydney and tell them that I'm very sorry but there's no hope for them.

But what I can say with absolute confidence is that God's going to get it done, and He's going to get it done through obedient Christians, and He's invited us all into the wonderful privilege of being apart of this great work and being an instrument in that plan, and if you accept that privilege - Praise the Lord how purposeful and bountiful your life will be...If you refuse and turn your back, that's ok, go ahead, but know this that your denial won't effect God's plan, He will raise up a people somewhere and He will send them to where the work needs to be done - and those Jewish people will hear the Gospel message and respond - for His Glory.

But above all, we should remember that Salvation is a sovereign act of God and everything in the Divine / human relationship must be founded in the fact that God has pre-eminence...our focus in evangelism should always be on the Glory of God and a passion for that Glory, and the fact that because of sin, the fall and man's rebellion there are people on earth and amongst Jewish people who aren't worshipping Him and glorifying Him as they should. God commands all people to repent, to turn from their sin and believe in faith the Gospel message, because the only one who is going to save that Jewish person and breathe life into those dead dry bones and bring them up out of that grave to worship and glorify Him is God by His Power, and that Power is unleashed through the conviction of the Holy Spirit when a person stands up and simply preaches the Gospel.

It is the Gospel that is the Power of God unto salvation... If you want a Powerful Gospel, then strip away all the gimmicks - strip away all the demographic studies of how you're supposed to approach a certain person or those from within a certain culture. Whether it is Jew or Gentile, we need to stand in love and preach this simple message of sin, of the holiness of God, of repentance unto God and faith in Christ alone - we need to preach this and not depend on another thing.

As we go out to share the Good News of the Gospel with the Jewish people, may we all concur in the words of those early Moravian missionaries as they set out on their journeys... "May the Lamb who was slain receive the reward of His suffering".

His words and promises will not fail... What more motivation do we need in sharing the Gospel with the Jewish people?... Shalom

Here are some things you can pray for specifically:

Pray for the Jewish people

Pray for Messianic Jewish Believers

Pray for your Jewish friends

Pray for your relationship with your Jewish friend. Ask God to show you ways to strengthen that friendship, and pray for wisdom regarding opportunities to share your faith with them. Pray for sensitivity to their needs and their feelings.

Below are some Gospel and Jewish outreach tracts pdf format for you down load to help equip you in sharing the Good News of the Gospel with both Jewish and Gentile people...

Jewish Outreach tracts image

The Best Kept Jewish Secret (a Gospel message).

Is there an Oral Law?

Who are the Chabad - and what do they believe?

When will the Messiah Come?

God Has Not Forsaken His People.

Facts every Jewish person should know - Passover.

Two views on Judaism - the choice is yours.

Israel's Security Barriers - Good or Bad?

Are you a 'Good' Jewish person?

Does ISRAEL have a FUTURE??

Note: All downloads may be freely used in the service of the Lord Jesus Christ. These tracts cannot be used to make profit or for any commercial purpose.