Message Archive

This page contains a list of messages that have been recorded at Awake To Israel meetings over the years (date recorded is shown in brackets). These messages are no longer available for download. If you would like a CD (wav file) of any of these messages just e-mail Awake To Israel your postal details and the name of the speaker and message.

Awake To Israel charges A$5.00 for each CD to cover production and postage within Australia. Please enquire regarding prices for shipping CDs overseas.

Proceeds go to the work of Awake To Israel of proclaiming the Gospel to the Jews in Australia.

Howard Bass

The One New Man, How do Jews and Gentiles live as one in Christ?

Lindsay Brown

Israel WILL Survive [12 Sep 2020].
A message from Jeremiah to Iran [12 Jun 2021].
Matthew's Revelation [14 May 2022].
The Forbidden Chapter - Isaiah 53 [8 Apr 2023].
Messiah in Genesis [11 May 2024].

Paul Cohen

Is JESUS the Jewish Messiah Or Only the Church's Christ??? (10 Aug 2013).
Is Joseph a Type of Christ? (10 May 2014).
A Messianic Viewpoint of the Gospel of John (9 Aug 2014).
Psalm 118, The Historic Setting, The Messianic Aspects (9 May 2015).
Can Israel Survive? (14 May 2016).
Israel at Christ's Return (12 Nov 2016).
Israel's Redeeming Love Story (8 Apr 2017).
The Chosen Nation - Israel (12 May 2018).
Edom, Nabateans, Jordon and their Prophetic Future (11 May, 2019).
Israel's greatest Rejection (11 July 2020).
Israel Today (13 Feb 2021).
Why a Kingdom? (13 Nov 2021).
Yeshua at Passover - John 13 (12 Mar 2022).
Yom Kippur - Feast of Atonement (12 Nov 2022).
The Jewish Nature of the Early Church (11 Mar 2023).
Jesus - The Priest (10 Jun 2023).

Andrew Courtis

The Raging Drqagon, the Woman and the Child (14 Aug 2021).
Hearing and Heeding Christ's Urgent Call to the Churches (8 Jul 2023).

John Ecob

Daniel's 70th Week (8 Mar 2008).

John Farr

Jesus is Better Than .... (8 Nov 2008).
The Arrogant Church (13 Feb 2010).
Israel at the End of the Times of the Gentiles (13 Nov 2010).
The Ages of Promise, Law (12 Nov 2011).
The Ages of Grace, Millennium (12 Nov 2011).
The Prince of Peace (10 Nov 2012).
Jerusalem, The Covenant City (9 Nov 2013).
The Tragedy of Christian Palestinian Theology (13 Sep 2014).
Who are Gentile Believers? (14 Oct 2015).

Dr Keith Graham

Israel's Delusion (8 Oct 2016).

Brent Grey

God's Glory in Jewish Missions (12 Jul 2008).
Millennial Kingdom (14 Nov 2009).

Phil Gummerson

Israel and the Sovereignty of God (9 Apr 2016).
The Glorious Christ (9 March 2019).
Sabbath Rest (8 Oct 2022).

Ken Harding

Jehovah and His Wife Israel as depicted by Hosea and his wife Gomer (10 Oct 2009).
What Advantage is there in being a Jew? (14 Jul 2012).

Dr Ed Hindson

God's Glorious Plan for the Future (23 Jul 2010).
Can we still believe in the Rapture? (24 Jul 2010).
Will the Church go through the Tribulation? (24 Jul 2010).
Is the Anti-Christ alive today? (24 Jul 2010).
Global Warning Signs of the end (24 Jul 2010).
Seven future events that will shake the world (25 Jul 2010).
The battle for Israel in the last days (25 Jul 2010).
Jesus; the Theme of Prophecy (25 Jul 2010).

Lawrence Hirsch

The Jewishness of Jesus (11 Jul 2015).
Paul's Passion for Israel (9 Jul 2016).

Dr Mark Hitchcock

Don't Stop Thinking about Tomorrow (19 Jul 2013).
What 2 Look 4: Discerning the Signs of the Times (20 Jul 2013).
When will the Believing be Leaving? (20 Jul 2013).
How to get Ready for the Judgement Seat of Christ (20 Jul 2013).
Future World Order (20 Jul 2013).
The Coming Middle East War - Ezek 38 - 39 (21 Jul 2013).
Satan's Chain and the Saint's Reign - Rev 20:1-6 (21 Jul 2013).
Heaven can't Wait (21 Jul 2013).

Barry E. Horner

Why the issue of Israel today is ethically important for the Christian (22 Jul 2011).
The shameful history of Christian treatment of the Jews (23 Jul 2011).
Israel, the land, Zionism and the future (23 Jul 2011).
Israel in the New Testament (23 Jul 2011).
Israel in Romans 11 as God's beloved enemy (23 Jul 2011).
A right Christian attitude towards the Jews (24 Jul 2011).
The world at war with the Son of God - Psalm 2 (24 Jul 2011).
Psalm 2 (14 March 2019).
Christendom's Greatest Crime - The Mistreatment of the Jew (3 Mar 2020).
The Vital Importance of Israel and Premillennialism (3 Mar 2020).

Dr Thomas Ice

God's Covenantal Election of Israel (24 Jul 2009).
Israel's Prophetic Outline in Deuteronomy (25 Jul 2009).
Israel's Scattering and Regathering (25 Jul 2009).
New Testament Teachings about Israel (25 Jul 2009).
Israel and The Church (25 Jul 2009).
Israel in the Tribulation and Millennium (26 Jul 2009).
The dangers of Replacement Theology (26 Jul 2009).
A brief History of Christian Zionism (26 Jul 2009).
Introduction and background to the Book of Ezekiel (17 Jul 2015).
Judah's captivity in Babylon in the 6th century B.C. (18 Jul 2015).
Early prophecies of a future global restoration to the Land of Israel (18 Jul 2015).
Israel's True Shepard and the restoration to the Land (18 Jul 2015).
Israel's end time regathering and the New Covenant. (18 Jul 2015).
The Resuscitation of the dry bones of National Israel. (19 Jul 2015).
The invasion of Gog and MaGog upon the mountains of Israel (19 Jul 2015).
Israel in the millennium (19 Jul 2015).

Peter Jackson

Babylon, Past Present and Future (11 Nov 2006).
The 70 Weeks of Daniel (10 Apr 2010).
Israel... The Vine, The Fig Tree, The Olive Tree (10 Oct 2011).
What Happens to the Old Testament Saints? (13 Jul 2013).
The Mysteries of the Rapture of the Church, Amazing Rapture (12 Apr 2014).
Herod, and Edomite! King of the Jews? (11 Apr 2015).
Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict (12 Mar 2016).
Why a Prime Minister and not a King in Israel Today? (10 Sep 2016).
The Rapture of the Church to Heaven (11 Mar 2017).
The reign of the Church on Earth (11 Mar 2017).
To the Jew First? (14 Apr 2018).
The Day Christ Died (10 Oct 2020).
Daniel's Gap (10 Apr 2021).
One New Man - Ephesians 2:14-16 (13 May 2023).
The Bema Seat of Christ [9 Mar 2024].

Ron Jarlett

Prophecy of the Suffering Servant - Isaiah 49 (10 Feb 2007).
Prophecy of the Suffering Servant - Isaiah 53 (12 Apr 2008).
The Awesome God of Israel - Ezek 1 - 3 (9 May 2009).
Israel's Darkest Day - The Departure of the Shikinah Glory, Ezek 8 - 11 (8 May 2010).
God's Man - In Babylon, Daniel Ch 1 (9 Apr 2011).
Metal Man - The Times of The Gentiles Part 1, Daniel Ch 2 (9 Apr 2011).
Heavenly Man - The Times of The Gentiles Part 2, Daniel Ch 7 (9 Apr 2011).
Triumphant Man - The Wonderful 1335th day, Daniel Ch 12 (9 Apr 2011).
Israel's Glorious Day - The Return of the Shikinah Glry, Ezek 40 - 40 (14 May 2011).
The Nature and Benefits of Dispensationalism (12 Nov 2011).
The History and Opposition to Dispensationalism (12 Nov 2011).
The Ages of Innocense, Conscience, Government (12 Nov 2011).
Israel and Spiritual Forces in the End Times - Daniel 10 (12 May 2012).
Israel's Election - Romans 9 (13 Apr 2013).
Israel's Rejection - Romans 10 (13 Apr 2013).
Israel's Restoration - Romans 11 (13 Apr 2013).
The Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, Amazing Revelation (12 Apr 2014).
The Mysteries of the Church One New Man, Amazing Grace (12 Apr 2014).
The Mysteries of Israel's Hardening and Salvation: an Amazing Race (12 Apr 2014).
Kings and Prophets - Overview (8 Nov 2014).
Kings and Prophets - The Northern Kingdom (8 Nov 2014).
Kings and Prophets - Post Exile and the Coming MESSIANIC Kingdom(8 Nov 2014).
Messiah In Matthew - The Origins and Birth of the Promised Messiah (14 Nov 2915).
Messiah In Matthew - The Ministry of the Promised Messiah (14 Nov 2915).
Messiah In Matthew - The Triumphal Entry to the Return of the Promised Messiah (14 Nov 2015).
Israel in the 75 Day Interval (12 Nov 2016).
The Review of the Church in Heaven (11 Mar 2017).
The Return of the Church to Earth (11 Mar 2017).
Israel, Angels & Demons in the End Times (12 Aug 2017).
The Nations - The Beginning (12 May 2018).
Which Kingdom did Jesus Preach ...? (14 Jul 2018).
The Humble Servant - Isaiah 42 (10 Nov 2018).
The Rejected Servant - Isaiah 49 (10 Nov 2018).
The Persecuted Servant - Isaiah 50 (10 Nov 2018).
The Slain but Exhaulted Servant - Isaiah 53 (10 Nov 2018).
A holocaust Hero - Raoul Wallenburg (10 Aug 2019)
Isaiah's Little Apocalypse (8 August 2020).
Israel's Land Covenants & Rights (9 Oct 2021).
Which Kingdom? (13 Nov 2021).
Messianic Megatropolis - Ezekiel: 40 - 49 (13 Aug 2022).
Israel's Kingdom Restored - Acts 1:6 (12 Aug 2023).

Phil Kennedy

Zion, the Place of God's Rest (8 Aug 2009).

George Khalil

Sharing God to an Anti-God World (9 Aug 2008).

Eric Leach

Israel the Adulterous Wife (10 Mar 2007).
Israel.... To Be Continued (9 Jul 2011).
The Uniqueness of Israel (14 Feb 2015).

Dr Roger Liebirge

Jerusalem - Hinderance to World Peace? (22 Jul 2017).
What about the West Bank? (22 Jul 2017).
Israel and the danger of the Islamic State (22 Jul 2017).
From Ur to Salem - The Life of Abraham (22 Jul 2017).
The Suffering Messiah = First Coming Prophecy Fulfilled (23 Jul 2017).

Michael McKenzie

Numbers Man - The Times of Israel, Daniel Ch 9 (9 Apr 2011).

Doug McNaught

The Promise Israel Couldn't Keep (14 Feb 2009).
God's Plan for Israel: Firm and Unchanging (12 Mar 2011).
Israel's Faithful God (14 Apr 2012).

Bill Newman

A Promise is a promise (14 Aug 2010).

Dr Randall Price

Digging for the Truth: How Archaeology Confirms the Truth of the Bible (20 Jul 2012).
Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls: Prophetic Expectations at the Time of Christ (21 Jul 2012).
Messianic Prophecy in the Old Testament (21 Jul 2012).
Thy Kingdom Come: The Millennial Kingdom in Prophecy (21 Jul 2012).
Biblical support for the Modern State of Israel (21 Jul 2012).
Israel's right to the Land (22 Jul 2012).
The Prophetic Significance of the Modern State of Israel (22 Jul 2012).
The Temple in Prophecy: When will the Temple be rebuilt? (22 Jul 2012).

Eric Rees

The Bema Seat of Christ; The Great White Throne... Same or Different? (10 Mar 2012).
Looking for the Blessed Hope (8 Jun 2013).

Eric Resch

O Jerusalem (14 Apr 2007).

Kevin Rosolen

Are we seeing "The Signs" today? (11 Feb 2012).
The Four Returns of Israel (8 Feb 2014).
Kings and Prophets - The Southern Kingdom (8 Nov 2014).
Messiah In Matthew - The Rejection of the Promised Messiah and the Hardening of Israel (14 Nov 2915).
The Wandering Jew (13 May 2017).
The Nations in the Tribulation (12 May 2018).
Israel... Blessing through Cleansing (8 Jun 2019).

Chris Savage

What happened to Forever (9 Jun 2018).
Israel - The Unfaithful Wife (12 Oct 2019).
What does the Prophet Joel say? (14 Nov 2020).
When Will the Kingdom Come? (13 Nov 2021).
Rosh Hashanah - Feast of Trumpets (12 Nov 2022).
Wife of Jehovah, Bride of Christ (14 Oct 2023).
The Book of Romans and the Jews (13 Jul 2024).

Mike Smith

A Night of Dreams, Zech Ch 1-6 (13 Mar 2010).
Jesus - The Prophet (10 Jun 2023).

Don Stanton

More Imminent Battles for Israel (12 May 2007).
Israel, Iran, Georgia and the Role of the Russian Bear (11 Oct 2008).
Turkey and the Flotilla Affair (10 Jul 2010).
Israel, Iran and the Middle East, Sliding to the Brink of the Abyss (12 Feb 2011).
For Zion's Sake, I Will Not Keep Silent (8 Sep 2012).
Yom Kippur Today? (14 Sep 2013).
The Soviet Bear Awakens ...and it's hungry! (14 Jun 2014).
In the Last Days, what is the Almighty saying to Israel, the Church, and the Nations? (13 Jun 2015).
Israel and the Nations on the Brink! (13 Aug 2016).
The Latest Writing on the Wall (14 Oct 2017).
Will ther be a 3rd World War" Will Australia Escape? (11 Aug 2018).
The Coming Worldwide Economic Collapse and The Promised Latter Rain - the endtime harvest of souls (14 Sep 2019).

Don Stormer

Israel's Disaster brings Repentance then The Glory (Book of Joel) (9 Mar 2013).
John the Baptist, Who was He? (8 Mar 2014).
Messianic Psalms (14 Mar 2015).
Habakkuk's Problem ... Why doesn't God do Something? (10 Mar 2018).

Phil Weldon

Why Do People Hate the Jews so Much (11 Apr 2009).

Richard Wilkins

There is More to Passover than Passover (9 Apr 2022)
Introduction - Overview of Spring Feasts (12 Nov 2022).

Greg Willis

The Final Jihad (9 Feb 2008).
Revelation in One Hour (12 Sep 2009).
As in the Days of Noah (9 Oct 2010).
Thy Kingdom Come (8 Oct 2011).
Globalism, the Last World Superpower (11 Aug 2012).
Signs of the Times, Matthew 24, 25 (12 Oct 2013).
Mystery Babylon The Great, Revelation 17, 18 (12 Jul 2014).
The Coming Global Darkness (13 Feb 2016).
Israel at the Millennium's End (12 Nov 2016).
The Last Hour (11 Nov 2017).
The Nations in the Messianic Age and Eternity (12 May 2018).
God's Plan for the Gentile Nations; Where are we today in this plan? [9 Feb 2019].
Victory against all odds - The Feast of Purim 14 Mar 2020).
What Will the Kingdom be Like? (13 Nov 2021).
Succoth - Feast of Tabernacles (12 Nov 2022).
Jesus - The King [10 Jun 2023].
Torah the Hidden Treasure [13 Apr 2024].

Andrew Wilson

Why I believe in a pre-tribulation Rapture (12 Sep 2015).
The Future Conversion of Israel (11 Jun 2016).
Will a Third Temple be built in Jerusalem? (9 Sep 2017).
Is the Old Testament Relevant Today? (10 Feb 2018).
The Most Amazing Prophecy in the Bible (13 April 2019).
A Most Contravesial Prophecy (13 April 2019).
Messiah the Prince (13 April 2019).
The End of All Things (13 April 2019).
Is there any future for Israel? (8 Feb 2020).
Why Should Cristians be interested in Israel (13 Mar 2021).
Is This "The Tribulation"? (12 Feb 2022).
Should I Take the Bible Literally? (11 Feb 2023).
Covenant Confusion? [10 Feb 2024].

Dr Andy Woods

Why Bible Prophecy Matters (17 Jun 2016).
Israel and the Kingdom of God (18 Jun 2016).
Are God’s Covenants Eternal? (18 Jun 2016).
What is the Significance of the Millennial Kingdom? (18 Jun 2016).
The Dispensational and Kingdom Implications of the Lord’s Prayer (18 Jun 2016).
What motivates Anti-Semitism? (19 Jun 2016).
The Apostasy of the Church (19 Jun 2016).
World Government on the Horizon (19 Jun 2016).
Why Christians should support the nation of Israel (23 Jun 2017).
A case for the Futurist interpretation of the Book of Revelation (24 Jun 2017).
Middle East meltdown and the timing of Ezekiel ch's 38 - 39 (24 Jun 2017).
The role of Babylon in Bible prophecy (24 Jun 2017).
Overview of the Book of Ezekiel (24 Jun 2017).
Are the Biblical signs occuring today? (25 Jun 2017).
Armageddon War of Wars What then ...? (13 Oct 2018).
A Nation Born in a Day! (9 Jul 2022).
Two of the Greatest Illustrations Ever (9 Jul 2022).
Israel's Darkest Hour! [9 Jul 2022].
The End of God's Enemies!! [9 Jul 2022].

Dean Woods

Israel's Future According to Zechariah 9-14 (11 Jul 2009).
Why has Post Modern Church abandoned Israel (11 Sep 2010).
What did Jesus say about the End Times in Luke 21? (13 Aug 2011).
Israel's Rejection of the King and it's Prophetic Consequences - Matt 12:1-50 (11 May 2013).
Is Israel still under a Curse today? (8 Aug 2015).
Israel in the Millennium (12 Nov 2016).
The Greatest Evidence that God Exists (8 Sep 2018).
Jesus - Who is He really? (13 Jul 2019).

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